Clinics We Offer

Childhood Immunisations
We strongly recommend that all children receive their childhood immunisations. Please call to book your appointment with a practice nurse.
- If anyone other than the authorised parent brings a child for immunisation, written consent must be provided by the parent.
- Please check the following points before bringing your child to the surgery:
- Is your child suffering from a feverish illness?
- Is your child taking steroid treatment?
- Does your child suffer from a severe reaction to eggs?
- Has your child suffered from a reaction to previous immunisation injections?
- Has your child got a high temperature?
- If the answer to any of the questions above is 'yes', then tell the nurse prior to immunisation.
- For a list of baby clinic locations and days available please CLICK HERE
Child Surveillance
We offer this service to children who are registered at the practice. Your child is offered development checks at regular intervals before school age. The health visitor may carry out some of these checks, often at home. This will enable you to discuss any problems and ask any questions concerning your child's immunisations, development and behaviour.

Contraceptive Services
We offer full contraceptive services and advice, and some of our nurses are also family planning trained. We also provide emergency contraception and contraceptive services to non-patients.
Emergency Contraception
You can get emergency contraception for free, even if you're under 16, from these places:
- contraception clinics
- sexual health or genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics
- some GP surgeries
- some young people's clinics
- most NHS walk-in centres and minor injuries units
- most pharmacies
- some accident and emergency (A&E) departments (phone first to check)
Click on the following link for more information:

Antenatal Clinic
The midwife holds her routine antenatal clinic on a Tuesday afternoon. Your first ante-natal appointment is for one hour and these appointments are held on a Wednesday afternoon. Please call reception to book an appointment. Please note that you do not need to book an appointment with the GP to confirm your pregnancy.
Anticoagulant Clinic
An 'in-house' anticoagulant clinic is held twice weekly at Baddow Village Surgery, providing a convenient and comprehensive service.
Cervical Smear Screening
In line with health authority policy, we recommend a smear every three years until the age of 50 and then every 5 years until the age of 65, unless greater frequency is advised. To ensure maximum accuracy, it is advisable to have a smear taken between 10 and 14 days from the first day of bleeding.
Minor Surgery
All partners perform some surgical procedures, albeit you may be referred to another partner for a particular operation in which they have special experience.

District Nurses/Community Matrons
Provide a range of nursing services and help with long term conditions for housebound patients.
IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies)
Provide a cognitive behavioural therapy service based at the surgery. More details are available in the 'Further Information' section on the right hand side of the page.
Health Promotion
We offer advice and practical help to those patients who want to improve or maintain their health.
Our nurses have specific training in areas such as asthma, diabetes, smoking, alcohol and heart disease prevention. Please ask the nurse for details.
We encourage all our patients to share responsibility for their health, both in preventing disease and in treating existing diseases. Most of the more serious diseases can be prevented by a healthy lifestyle and without the need for drugs. Please feel free to discuss general health and your lifestyle and ask for advice.