Travel Health

Cessation of Private Travel Vaccination Service
We will provide the NHS vaccinations recommended for travel.
You will need to seek travel advice from another service, often available at pharmacies. You will need to submit a Subject Access Request to access your vaccination history and take a copy of this with you to the travel service.
Beauchamp House Surgery offer a private travel service and you will not need to request a copy of your vaccination history if you give your consent for their nurse to access your record.
If you require any NHS vaccinations please provide the Practice with a list of these vaccinations and a completed risk assessment from your chosen travel service. We will then book you into the next available appointment with a Practice Nurse.
If the next available appointment is not soon enough for your travel needs then you will need to pay for the injections at the travel service.
The following vaccinations are available free on the NHS:
- polio (given as a combined diphtheria/tetanus/polio jab)
- typhoid
- hepatitis A
- cholera
You might find visiting the NHS website ( helpful.
The two sites below also offer useful advice: