Who Will My Appointment Be With?
We have an experienced team of clinicians and allied health professionals at the surgery who are able to offer the advice, investigations, treatment and long-term disease management that our patients need.
Phlebotomists: We offer blood tests daily at the surgery. Appointment lengths remain increased to reduce patient numbers in the waiting room and we would like to continue to prioritise our patients with mobility or frailty issues. Blood tests can also be booked at a number of local clinics by calling 01245 516963 or online https://www.swiftqueue.co.uk/midessex.php.
Health Care Assistants (HCA): Our health care assistants provide a number of services including wound care, health checks and lifestyle advice, ECGs, B12 injections, flu vaccinations and are involved in long term disease monitoring (to name but a few of their skills).
Practice Nurses: The practice nurse team consists of members with both community and hospital nursing backgrounds who have developed skills in long term disease management including asthma, COPD and diabetes. They will continue to offer virtual, telephone and face to face reviews, working in collaboration with the GPs. In addition, they continue to provide our full range of other services including wound care, smears, immunisations, injections and contraception services.
Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANP): Both our ANPs are experienced nurses with backgrounds as community matrons. They are able to manage minor illnesses in addition to acute presentations of long term diseases; patients with learning difficulties; dementia; and frailty. They are able to prescribe and make onward referral for investigations. We have expanded our ANP hours to provide appointments every day alongside our GPs.
Clinical Pharmacists: Through the Chelmsford City Health Primary Care Network, we employ a team of clinical pharmacists who are able to conduct medication reviews and review of long-term disease management e.g. asthma and diabetes. They assist with the monitoring of medications under ‘shared care’ with our hospital colleagues and are able to request blood tests and facilitate medication changes, including following hospital advice/discharge.
GP Registrars: We value training and development in primary care and as a long-standing training practice, we have GP registrars who are registered doctors that will be fully qualified GPs within 1-2 years.
GPs: There are 6 GP partners and 4 salaried GPs currently at the surgery, with a patient list that is pro-rata to our sessional hours. Where possible we ask that, for continuity of care, patients make appointments with their usual GP but there are urgent appointments available with our ANPs and GPs every day for matters that are clinically urgent and cannot wait.